RJ laser devices for dogs and horses, equine laser therapy
Pioneers of laser therapy
RJ laser devices put you at the forefront, giving you all the options. As a market leader, we offer the technology for tomorrow already today. RJ laser devices are made for conventional and holistic medicine. Our therapy lasers are proven thousands of times and have been trusted by practitioners since 1982.
Intelligent control, therapy software
Made in Germany - Laser cl. 3B cl. 4
RJ medical laser devices are "Made in Germany" for non-invasive gentle laser therapy, photobiomodulation. RJ laser therapy devices offer for the widest range of applications, for points and large surfaces. You can get RJ therapy lasers in the range of LLLT (cl. 3B) and non-invasive HLLT (cl. 4).
The worldwide proven RJ laser devices at a glance
RJ-LASER - Pioneer in LLLT / HLLT / Photobiomodulation since 1982
RJ therapy lasers are "Made in Germany" to treat dogs and horses. More than 10000 therapists / veterinarians worldwide work with RJ laser devices every day. Designed for optimal application, they are programmable to configure application parameters and individual protocols. Via frequency memory, you can immediately take over research and put it into practice.
LightStream I wave - mobile and stationary - cl. 4 and cl. 3B
Modular high-end therapy laser gentle and powerful, easy to operate, fully programmable and with optimized application programs.
medium and large areas, high power for veterinary medicine

Physiolaser olympic and Satellite
Points, small/medium and large areas, universal therapy system, ear and body acupuncture, with cw and superpulse
Fully programmable universal top laser with optimized therapy programs, advanced diagnostic module (point, meridian, organ diagnostics), two laser channels, special interchangeable probes, Plug & Play

Laser Pen - The original since 30 years
Point/small area, ear and body acupuncture, cw or superpulsed 90 W
High-end pen laser device, fully programmable, 28 bio-frequencies (RAC diagnosis). Available in different versions.
The LaserPen quickly becomes your constant companion, in the practice and on the road. You will not want to miss it anymore.
Laser therapy for dogs and horses
How do you find your perfect therapy laser?
- Probes for: Low Level Laser Therapy or Mid/High Level Laser Therapy?
- Application: For small areas or large areas?
- Indication: Mainly for acupuncture, mainly local therapy or both?
- Diagnosis: With or without diagnostic module?
- Features: Basic features or multi-functional?
- Power: Low, middle or high, cl. 3B or cl. IV?
- Size: Small and portable or larger size?
- Budget: Low or average investment?
RJ laser devices - Cutting edge laser therapy
Implementation of the latest technology enabled the realization of compact, mobile devices with large range of functions as well as maximum power and frequency precision. Cutting edge laser therapy and photobiomodulation.
Depending on the model, the RJ laser devices are pre-programmed or free programmable - you can configure your individual therapy programs depending on pathology or may use our comprehensive therapy programs. An extensive frequency memory lets you apply the latest research to your course of laser therapy.
- 1-99999 Hz (freely selectable)
- Power up to 500 mW (LLLT), 15 W (HLLT), and 90W superpulsed
- Continuous beam
- BAHR frequencies
- Meridian frequencies according to REININGER
- REININGER system complete
- SCHOLTES frequencies
- Therapy programs
- Individual protocols with over 110 available saving locations
Your laser cw and superpulsed
Relax during laser therapy, because the design of the handpieces allows for comfortable working. Precision and laser therapy in its most beautiful form. All RJ laser devices are mobile, transportable and easy to install anywhere. You can also obtain a wide range of accessories for your laser from RJ.The wavelengths and power of RJ lasers lie within the "optical window" and therefore have an optimal penetration depth. You have the choice and can obtain all wavelengths from visible violet 405 to infrared 915 nm (cl. 3B single probes up to 500 mW or 90 W, area probes up to 5x60W superpulsed, cl. 4 up to 15 W).